We have now posted two survey questions that we hope you will consider answering. Your task if you wish to participate is really minimal. Reading, responding and submitting your answer should take no longer than 60 seconds for each question, and we do very much appreciate your contribution to our mini research project. If you can spare a little time to look at our surveys, please visit here. Thanks.
Methodology Survey question adapted from British Council (2016) Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language in the UK, Strand 1 Research: How Arabic is being taught in schools. Methodology
Survey question adapted from British Council (2016) Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language in the UK, Strand 1 Research: How Arabic is being taught in schools. In November 2016, the British Council commissioned a review of the teaching of Arabic as a foreign Language in UK schools to understand 'How Arabic is being taught in schools'. The research project aims were to answer the following questions:
1. How is Arabic being taught in UK schools today and how it can be improved? 2. What varieties of Arabic are being/should be taught and to what extent is attention being paid to the diglossic nature of the language? 3. What are the challenges faced by Arabic learners and teachers which may have an impact on the efficiency of Arabic learning and teaching? The methodology for the study included a wide "range of quantitative and qualitative research tools employed in the data collection", such as "questionnaires for Arabic teachers", "interviews with Arabic teachers and Heads of Languages (HoLs), and "classroom observations". Here at LATC, over the next few weeks and months, we will be blogging about and highlighting the key findings from this crucial British Council research project, as well as considering the implications of the study for the wider research area. Additionally, we have adapted the questionnaire that used in the study to create our own survey that everyone who reads this blog is invited and encouraged to complete, when and if you have a free moment. Today we launch a new series of single-question surveys, beginning with Familiarity with Language Teaching Methods. Please respond to the question so that we can gain our own understanding of 'How Arabic is being taught in schools'. Thanks in advance. |
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December 2024
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